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Degrees awarded to 936 graduates at Ïã¸ÛÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±Ö±²¥ Spring 2024 commencement ceremonies

Published May 15, 2024


MONROE, LA – University of Louisiana Monroe President Dr. Ronald Berry awarded degrees to 936 graduates at the Spring 2024 commencement ceremonies on May 11, 2024. Two ceremonies were held for the four colleges, Arts, Education, and Sciences, Business and Social Sciences, Health Sciences, and Pharmacy, plus the Graduate School.ÌýÌý

A total of 936 students earned degrees. Eleven students earned multiple degrees, and 18 doctoral degrees, and 73 Pharm.D. degrees were awarded. Eight students were Honors Program graduates.Ìý

Degrees awarded by college include 157 in Arts, Education, and Sciences, 227 in Business and Social Sciences, 213 in Health Sciences, 101 in Pharmacy, and 249 in the Graduate School.Ìý

There were 264 Distinguished Graduates; 46 Summa Cum Laude, 74 Magna Cum Laude, and 144 Cum Laude. Ìý

The top fall graduates with a 4.0 cumulative GPA were Kenzie Madison Allen, Emily Ann Camp, Caleb D. Corrent, Christian Sierra Fisher, Brooke Madison Habetz, Randy W. Head II, Emily Elizabeth Holloway, Catherine Doyal Hunt, Orachat Kumbungton, Shaeena Marie Mouton, Ainsley Cayleen Noel, Baylor Allen Picard, Joel Scott Pogue, London Mackenzie Tuberoso, and Kensley Ann Wrobel.Ìý

The degrees for Spring 2024 graduates were officially conferred on May 15, 2024.Ìý

Spring 2024 GraduatesÌý

Students receiving Baccalaureate degrees were awarded Latin honors in accordance with the following guidelines:Ìý

(*) Cum Laude: a cumulative grade point average (GPA) is within the range of 3.500 through 3.749.Ìý

(†) Magna Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.750 through 3.899.Ìý

(‡) Summa Cum Laude: a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.900 through 4.000.Ìý

(^) Honors — associate degree candidates with a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.500 through 3.799Ìý

(~) High Honors — associate degree candidates with a cumulative GPA is within the range of 3.800 through 4.000Ìý

For any errors or omissions, please consult the Office of Marketing & Communication Academic List Page.Ìý

Anna L. Abney, Master of Science Molly F. Landry, Master of Science
Matthew Abshire, Bachelor of Business Admin* Jacob N. Landry, Bachelor of Arts‡
Sarah E. Adams, Bachelor of Science Isaac C. Lantz, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Caroline Adams, Master of Arts Jennifer H. Lasseigne, Master of Education
Hannah G. Adams, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Jennifer D. Lasyone, Bachelor of Science
Anthony K. Addison, Bachelor of Business Admin* Jennifer N. Lattimer, Master of Business Admin.
Ashamsa Adhikari, Bachelor of Science† Destinee F. Lawson, Bachelor of Science‡
Ainsley A. Akin, Bachelor of Arts‡ Theresa A. Lawson, Master of Public Admin
Karlie M. Akin, Bachelor of Arts Whitney K. Le, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Emily D. Alarcon, Bachelor of Science† Mickaela B. Leal, Bachelor of Science
Brandi N. Albarado, Doctor of Pharmacy * Kaylin J. Leary, Bachelor of Science
Alexandra E. Albin, Bachelor of Science Kylie N. LeBas, Bachelor of Science*
Khyra Albright, Master of Science in Nursing Jessica L. LeBlanc, Bachelor of Science
Alexander Alexander, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Lauren M. LeBlanc, Bachelor of Science*
Erika K. Allen, Bachelor of Science Rayanna M. LeBlanc, Bachelor of Arts†
Kenzie M. Allen, Bachelor of Science‡ Apryl B. LeBlanc, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Shannon F. Alvarez, Master in Occupational Therapy Kaitlyn G. Lee, Master of Science
Christopher D. Andersen, Bachelor of Science Tonya M. Lejeune, Master of Education
Preston D. Anderson, Bachelor of Music Hailie Lejeune, Master of Education
Colby M. Armstrong, Bachelor of Science Jacob T. LeJeune, Bachelor of Science
Brittney Arnold, Bachelor of Science* Antoinette J. Leo, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Christopher M. Ashcraft, Bachelor of Business Admin Sydnee E. Leslie, Bachelor of Arts
Cameron J. Ashley, Bachelor of Business Admin† Key'Aira J. Lewis, Bachelor of Science
Emily G. Austin, Bachelor of Science Grace E. Lewis, Master of Education
Garrett L. Austin, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Abigail N. Lewis, Bachelor of Science
Keaton J. Authement, Bachelor of Science* Brandon M. Lewis, Bachelor of Business Admin
Lourdes A. Bacon, Bachelor of Science* Keydrell Lewis, Bachelor of General Studies
Kathryn E. Bailey, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Shella Lidres, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Holter C. Bailey, Bachelor of Arts Thomaneisha Little, Bachelor of Music
Kay M. Baker, Master of Science in Nursing Lucia M. Lobato, Master of Science
Brock D. Bakich, Bachelor of Science Ingrid Lockhart, Master of Science
Rylie K. Balius, Bachelor of Arts† Kaci L. Lofton, Bachelor of Arts
Wesley D. Banks, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Kinsey R. Long, Bachelor of Science*
Courtney Barlow, Master of Science Fredrick J. Louis, Master of Arts
Mary M. Barnard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Brianne M. Loupe, Master of Education
Marcus W. Barnett, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Michael B. Lovelady, Master of Arts
Rachel L. Barnhill, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Haley C. Lovell, Doctor of Education
Austin P. Barrios, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Sarah A. Luoma, Bachelor of Music
David Basnet, Bachelor of Science Jadah S. Lyons, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Ashton L. Bastedo, Bachelor of Science Alexa K. Madron, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Julian M. Batey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Torri R. Mahrous, Master of Science in Nursing
Faith L. Batterton, Bachelor of Business Admin Niles C. Majeste, Bachelor of Science
Brittany D. Baxter, Master of Public Admin Sarah M. Malone, Master of Science in Nursing
Robert C. Bazer, Bachelor of Science Katlyn A. Manuel, Bachelor of Arts*
Kaylie D. Beck, Bachelor of Science Emily L. Maples, Bachelor of Science*
Gesa Beecken, Doctor of Education Kenderick L. Marbles, Bachelor of General Studies
James H. Beinkemper, Master of Business Admin. Molly R. Marks, Bachelor of Science
Thomas Bel, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Sadie J. Martel, Bachelor of Science*
Angela J. Belanger, Master of Science in Nursing Marissa M. Martin, Bachelor of Science†
Kellie L. Belgard, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Jenna C. Mason, Bachelor of Science‡
Christyn P. Bellard, Bachelor of Science* Leighton S. Mason, Bachelor of Science*
Kaleb A. Benefield, Bachelor of Arts Jennifer Mata, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Anna C. Bennett, Bachelor of Science Kaylee G. Mathews, Bachelor of Arts‡
Holly D. Berg, Bachelor of Arts* Elizabeth K. Mathews, Bachelor of Science†
Darrelle R. Berry, Bachelor of Business Admin Lyndsay R. Mathews, Master of Science
Logan J. Bertrand, Bachelor of Science† Samantha E. Maudsley, Bachelor of Science
Brittany A. Betts, Master of Science Ellie R. Maxwell, Bachelor of Arts†
Brittany N. Blanchard, Bachelor of Science* Chailiah P. May, Bachelor of Science
Juwan J. Blignaut, Bachelor of Science† Caitlin B. McBride, Bachelor of Science*
Kerrington N. Blow, Bachelor of Arts Layni O. McCaleb, Bachelor of Arts‡
Chelsea Bock, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Jordan L. McCarthy, Bachelor of Science†
Kaitlyn B. Boles, Bachelor of Science Abigail G. McClung, Bachelor of Arts*
Makayla N. Bond, Bachelor of Science* Anna L. McCord, Bachelor of Arts
Krystyn D. Bondad, Bachelor of Science* Derek J. McCormick, Bachelor of General Studies
Krystyn D. Bondad, Bachelor of Science* Leigh A. McCoy, Bachelor of Arts‡
Kameryn T. Bonhomme, Master of Arts Maria D. Mccoy, Bachelor of Arts
Rachel M. Bonner, Master of Arts Devin R. McDaniel, Bachelor of Science
Jaden A. Book, Bachelor of Science Ashlynn Y. Mcfadden, Bachelor of Science†
Roland A. Bordelon, Bachelor of Science‡ Kelsie J. McFarland, Bachelor of Arts†
Jonah M. Bostick, Bachelor of Science* Alexis McGhee, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kennedy L. Boston-Woods, Master of Business Admin. Samantha R. McGuffee, Bachelor of Science
Morgan T. Boudreaux, Master of Science Eric W. McIntyre, Bachelor of Arts
Brooke J. Bourgeois, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Abbigail R. McKaskle, Master of Public Admin
Brittany N. Bowman-Hayes, Bachelor of Arts* Mitchell H. McKee, Bachelor of Science
James E. Boyd, Bachelor of Science Maxwell J. McKey, Bachelor of Science*
Jacob W. Boykin, Doctor of Pharmacy † Thomas McKinley, Bachelor of Science
Madelyn C. Bozeman, Bachelor of Science* Mallorie L. McKinney, Bachelor of Science
Daisha Bradford, Bachelor of General Studies Stewart G. McKnight, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Jacy L. Brantley, Bachelor of Science† AnnaBelle G. McLemore, Bachelor of Science*
Nicole Brashear, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Jessie M. McManus, Bachelor of Science
Brandi M. Brasher, Master of Science in Nursing Ely J. McPherson, Bachelor of Science
Mateline L. Bratton, Bachelor of Arts† Elise K. McRight, Bachelor of Arts
Landon L. Breckwoldt, Doctor of Pharmacy * Davis S. Meche, Bachelor of Business Admin
Landon L. Breckwoldt, Master of Business Admin. Sarah L. Meche, Master of Science
John C. Briley, Bachelor of Science Sydney A. Meek, Bachelor of Business Admin
Taylor M. Brinson, Bachelor of Arts* Sydni E. Melancon, Bachelor of Science*
Madison Britton, Master of Science Cassandra E. Melancon, Bachelor of Business Admin
Sarah R. Broadway, Bachelor of Arts† Makayla M. Melendez, Master of Science
Bricen J. Broccone, Master of Arts Chadwick B. Menard, Bachelor of General Studies
Caroline Brockman, Master of Science in Nursing Gabriel Luis G. Menez, Bachelor of Business Admin
Taylor E. Broddick, Bachelor of Business Admin Alessia Mengoni, Bachelor of Business Admin†
Tyeisha M. Brooks, Bachelor of Arts Katie M. Meno, Bachelor of Arts‡
Elisabeth C. Brooks, Bachelor of Science† Rachel E. Meredith, Bachelor of Science*
Cameron B. Broussard, Bachelor of Science Christopher S. Metoyer, Bachelor of General Studies
Bailey S. Broussard, Bachelor of General Studies* Craig A. Meyers, Doctor of Education
Staci R. Brown, Bachelor of General Studies Matthew T. Miller, Bachelor of Arts
Noah R. Brown, Master of Science Rebecca W. Miller, Bachelor of Arts*
Destiny M. Brown, Master of Arts Mackenzie C. Miller, Bachelor of Science‡
Chenar D. Brown, Bachelor of General Studies Elizabeth A. Miller, Master of Science
Emily Brown, Master in Occupational Therapy Brian C. Miller, Bachelor of Science
John D. Browning, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Taitianna A. Minifield, Bachelor of Business Admin
Randilyn S. Brunson, Doctor of Pharmacy * Brooke G. Mize, Master of Science
William F. Bryan, Bachelor of Business Admin Caroline E. Moeller, Doctor of Pharmacy *
Cole S. Bryan, Bachelor of Science Isaiah J. Montgomery, Bachelor of Science*
Jamichael Z. Bryant, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Lee C. Mooney-Taylor, Bachelor of Arts
Jacelyn K. Buck, Master of Business Admin. Cassidy F. Moore, Bachelor of Science*
Amanda K. Burch, Master of Science De'Anjoylic L. Moore, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Mary E. Burgess, Master of Education Macey E. Moreno, Bachelor of Arts
Gabriella R. Burke, Bachelor of General Studies† Kathryn G. Morgan, Master of Science
Halie B. Burnside, Bachelor of Fine Arts† Celeste Morgan, Doctor of Education
Dalton Burrell, Bachelor of Business Admin Victoria N. Morris, Bachelor of Science*
James B. Burtram, Bachelor of General Studies Kaely B. Morrison, Master of Business Admin.
Mia W. Butler, Bachelor of General Studies Oteria Mounds, Bachelor of Arts
Tony A. Butler, Master of Education Kayleigh M. Mount, Bachelor of Science*
Dylan Butter, Master of Science Seyedh Fatemeh Mousavi Fard, Master of Education
Andrew B. Cady, Bachelor of Science Shaeena M. Mouton, Bachelor of Science‡
Christian M. Cage, Bachelor of Science Ethar A. Mudhish, Doctor of Philosophy
Danielle R. Camacho, Bachelor of Science Connor W. Mulhern, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Emily A. Camp, Bachelor of Arts‡ Surya Mulmi, Bachelor of Science‡
Kimone Campbell, Bachelor of General Studies* Tatianna Munro, Master of Education
Tyriq D. Campbell-French, Bachelor of Arts Noah P. Murray, Bachelor of Arts
Carlee L. Canal, Bachelor of Arts Seth A. Murray, Bachelor of Science
Julie S. Cappo, Doctor of Education Emmie L. Murrell, Bachelor of Arts
Carson O. Caraway, Bachelor of Science* Hayley B. Myers, Bachelor of Arts
Sarah Carlson, Bachelor of General Studies Ashley R. Nash, Bachelor of General Studies
Christian D. Carradine, Bachelor of Science* Yazmine A. Natt, Bachelor of Arts
Lea A. Carricut, Master of Education Paige T. Neal, Bachelor of Science
Micaela A. Carrizales, Bachelor of Arts Laken D. Neal, Bachelor of Science
Jordan P. Carter, Bachelor of Science Laken M. Neal, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Francis Carter, Bachelor of Arts Katelynn B. Nelson, Bachelor of Science
Kara B. Carter, Master of Science Cristy M. Nessmith, Master of Education
Alyssa M. Cascio, Master of Science Bailey E. Newman, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Jade A. Case, Bachelor of Science* Lorraine C. Newman, Bachelor of Science
Cailin A. Cash, Bachelor of Arts† Ethan J. Newton, Bachelor of Arts
Kaleb P. Catron, Bachelor of Arts Abbygail C. Ney, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Waylon H. Cearley, Bachelor of Science† Tammy H. Nguyen, Bachelor of Arts*
Cole T. Centanni, Bachelor of Science* Benjamin E. Nguyen, Bachelor of Science†
Alison L. Cepriano, Master in Occupational Therapy Chris H. Nguyen, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jeffrey T. Chamberlain, Doctor of Pharmacy * David X. Nguyen, Bachelor of Business Admin
Chloe B. Chapel, Master of Arts Shelby M. Nicks, Master of Education
Ainsley A. Chapman, Master of Science Casey L. Nielsen, Bachelor of Science†
William W. Chapman, Master of Arts Andrea A. Niette, Master of Business Admin.
Kami W. Chargois, Doctor of Pharmacy † Ainsley C. Noel, Bachelor of Science‡
Shaley M. Charrier, Bachelor of Arts* Jonathan S. Norman, Bachelor of Arts†
Christopher L. Cheadle Lindbeck, Bachelor of Science* Rachel N. Norris, Bachelor of Arts
Shelby L. Cheramie, Master of Arts in Teaching Baylee R. Norsworthy, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kylie B. Cichocki, Bachelor of Arts Kaitlyn M. Nowak, Bachelor of Science‡
Jai'Lyn Clark, Bachelor of Science Matthew W. Nugent, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Ross Clark, Master of Business Admin. Jenna L. Nugent, Bachelor of Arts
Henry R. Clemons, Bachelor of Science* Falene E. Nunez, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Lindsey C. Coates, Bachelor of Science‡ Molly K. Oliver, Bachelor of Science
Tiffany G. Cochran, Bachelor of Science Micha L. Olivo, Bachelor of Science*
Betty E. Coley, Bachelor of Arts† Anthony L. Operario, Bachelor of Science*
Christina M. Collins, Bachelor of Science* Amber L. Ortego, Bachelor of Science*
Hope E. Colvin, Master of Science Brayden R. Ortiz, Bachelor of Business Admin
Aarionia L. Commenia, Bachelor of Science Rachael P. Osbon, Master of Science in Nursing
Trevor J. Conley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing* Stephanie R. Osgood, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Clara A. Cook, Bachelor of Science* Daniel J. Osgood, Master of Arts
Carson L. Cooley, Bachelor of Science Jasmine N. Outley, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Erin M. Copeland, Master of Arts in Teaching Sydney E. Owens, Bachelor of Science*
Garrett O. Copeland, Bachelor of Arts* Cassidy G. Owens, Bachelor of Business Admin
Richard W. Corley, Master of Science Steve M. Owings, Master of Arts
Tina S. Cormier, Master of Education Joshua Owusu, Bachelor of Arts
Caleb D. Corrent, Bachelor of Science‡ Haley D. Padgett, Master of Arts
Bailey Couch, Bachelor of Business Admin* Soledad Palomo, Bachelor of Business Admin
Theo Courteaux, Master of Science Aakriti Pant, Master of Business Admin.
Michelle S. Coyne, Bachelor of Science in Nursing* Madeline R. Pappas, Bachelor of Science*
Marshay L. Craft, Bachelor of Arts Carson K. Parks, Bachelor of Arts
Kaleb P. Craig, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Katherine Patrick, Master of Education
Kamryn E. Crain, Bachelor of Arts† Makenna F. Patt, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Marguerite E. Crawford, Master of Science Isabella M. Patton, Bachelor of Business Admin
Michael C. Crenshaw, Bachelor of Business Admin† Audrey L. Paul, Bachelor of Science*
Michael C. Crenshaw, Bachelor of Business Admin† Victoria L. Payne, Bachelor of Science
Amelia J. Crnkovic, Bachelor of Arts‡ John K. Pearce, Bachelor of Science
Caitlyn K. Cullen, Bachelor of Arts‡ Kolby Peek, Master of Science
Caitlyn K. Cullen, Bachelor of Arts‡ Crystal N. Pefferkorn, Master of Arts
Sabrina G. Curtis, Bachelor of Science† Johnn'ise N. Peoples, Bachelor of Arts
Gabrielle A. D'Aguiar, Bachelor of Science Giovanna C. Pereira, Bachelor of Science†
Anna B. Dabbs, Bachelor of Business Admin Christina L. Perez, Master of Arts in Teaching
Logan G. Dalfiume, Bachelor of Science† Emily-Kate N. Perrin, Doctor of Pharmacy †
Sarah C. Daniels, Bachelor of Science† Amanda Perry, Master of Science in Nursing
Morgan A. Danna, Bachelor of Science Rebecca C. Petrone, Bachelor of Arts†
Garret C. Darden, Bachelor of Science† Phillip P. Pham, Bachelor of Science
Stacy W. Daugherty, Master of Education Sydney A. Phelps, Master of Education
Sydney R. David, Bachelor of Science Katherine D. Phillips, Bachelor of Music*
Elizabeth N. Davidson, Bachelor of Science‡ Lauren L. Phillpott, Doctor of Pharmacy †
Curtesia M. Davis, Master of Science Stefan Piatrenka, Bachelor of Business Admin
Emmi M. Davis, Bachelor of Arts* Baylor A. Picard, Bachelor of Science‡
Kevionna M. Davis, Bachelor of Arts* Kennedy A. Picard, Master of Science
Hannah A. Davis, Master in Occupational Therapy Maria G. Picon Barrios, Master of Arts
Amiya D. Dawson, Bachelor of Science Sarah M. Pierce, Master of Science
Shelby E. Day, Bachelor of General Studies* Shaniqua C. Pierre-August, Master of Education
Mattielyn M. Day, Bachelor of Arts† Alec J. Pitney, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Jamye G. Dean, Bachelor of Arts* Leslie D. Pittman, Master of Education
Alyssa M. Dean, Bachelor of Arts‡ Jasmine I. Pitts, Bachelor of Arts*
Madison E. DeCou, Bachelor of Arts† Joel S. Pogue, Bachelor of Arts‡
Emma K. Dennie, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Kolby J. Poindexter, Bachelor of Science*
Kyleigh J. Desforges, Master of Science Savannah A. Polk, Master of Science in Nursing
Garrett J. Deshotel, Bachelor of Science Tiffany M. Pommier, Master of Science
Caroline E. DeVanie, Bachelor of Science Hannah C. Populus, Master of Education
Amber A. DeVillier, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Alyson M. Pourciau, Bachelor of Science
Melan P. Dhaubhadel, Bachelor of Science Samantha S. Powell, Bachelor of General Studies
Ce'Drion C. Dial, Associate of General Studies Joseph A. Pratt, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Baylee A. Dickens, Bachelor of Arts* Lori Press, Master of Science
Alisha M. Diggs, Doctor of Philosophy JaMiyah T. Preston, Bachelor of General Studies
Shelby M. DiGiovanni, Bachelor of Arts Sally N. Pringle, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jack C. Dillon, Bachelor of Science Michael A. Privitor, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Diedre Z. Dinan, Bachelor of Science Lindsay Punchard, Bachelor of Science
Layne Dishman, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Laynie M. Pyle, Bachelor of Science
Haley L. Dollar, Doctor of Pharmacy * Jasper L. Queen, Master in Occupational Therapy
Chadwick D. Domangue, Bachelor of Science Nolan T. Quinlan, Master of Science
Mallory D. Domingue, Bachelor of Science* Corey E. Rachal, Bachelor of Science
Abby E. Doolittle, Bachelor of Science John P. Radcliffe, Master of Education
Cole J. Doucet, Doctor of Pharmacy † Makailah L. Raimer, Bachelor of Arts†
Cole J. Doucet, Master of Business Admin. Layton C. Rainbolt, Bachelor of Business Admin
Hailey R. Doucet, Bachelor of Science† David D. Ramsey, Bachelor of Science
Kristen M. Dougay, Master of Arts Daysha J. Randle, Master of Arts
BreAnna F. Downs, Bachelor of Science Zachary J. Rasmussen, Bachelor of General Studies
Allison C. Dozier, Bachelor of Science† Laura J. Raterman, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Calli B. Dretke, Bachelor of Science Claudine Raud-Gumiel, Bachelor of General Studies
Blake W. Drillette, Bachelor of Science Rechelle Rawls, Master of Science
Caleb J. Drummer, Master of Public Admin Madison L. Recoulley, Bachelor of Science
Misty R. Dubois, Bachelor of Arts Courtney R. Reed, Bachelor of Science
Logan S. Dugas, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Jarren D. Reed, Bachelor of Science*
Easton D. Duke, Bachelor of Business Admin* Samuel S. Renwick, Bachelor of Science
Amy S. Duke Hicks, Master of Arts Rachael D. Restelle, Bachelor of Science*
LaTahja N. Duncan, Bachelor of Arts Logan E. Rhoads, Bachelor of Business Admin†
LaDejia Duncan, Bachelor of Arts Megan M. Richard, Bachelor of Arts
Margaret L. Duncan, Master in Occupational Therapy Evan J. Richard, Bachelor of Arts
Ashton P. Duncan, Bachelor of Arts Sydney M. Richard, Bachelor of Science
Dung T. Duong, Master of Business Admin. Andrea B. Richard, Master of Arts
Ty E. Dycus, Bachelor of Science Lexie M. Richardson, Master of Business Admin.
Jordyn A. Eaton, Bachelor of Science* Lexie M. Richardson, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Ventiane G. Ebang Mboulou, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Roselyn C. Rideau, Bachelor of Science
Brittany N. Ebersole, Master of Education Madisyn P. Rideau, Bachelor of Arts*
Kristin M. Eckert, Bachelor of Arts† Marquet S. Rideau, Doctor of Education
Samantha M. Eckert, Bachelor of Science† Rebecca N. Rinehart, Master of Arts
Laprecious Eckford, Master of Education Abbigail M. Riordan, Bachelor of Science
Abigail M. Edwards, Doctor of Pharmacy † Ashley Riordan, Master of Arts in Teaching
Hannah R. Edwards, Bachelor of Science Chandon B. Risinger, Bachelor of Science
Isaiah A. Eiland, Bachelor of Science Jacob C. Roark, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jannie L. Ellis, Bachelor of Science Charley R. Robbins, Master of Science
Kaity Elwin, Master of Science Brittney N. Roberson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Caley E. Englade, Bachelor of Arts† Diamond L. Roberts, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Andrew C. Englade, Master of Education Timothy D. Roberts, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Maggie S. Engles, Bachelor of General Studies Timothy D. Roberts, Master of Business Admin.
Jenna E. Enloe, Bachelor of Science* Abbey G. Roberts, Bachelor of Science
Lauren Erickson, Master of Arts Samantha M. Roberts, Bachelor of Arts*
Raven N. Erwin, Bachelor of Science* Andrew S. Roberts, Bachelor of Science
Katelyn N. Esponge, Bachelor of General Studies Rebecca A. Roberts, Bachelor of Arts
Gavin J. Estay, Bachelor of Science* Joseph Roberts, Master of Science
Michael L. Estep, Bachelor of Science‡ Rachel H. Robertson, Bachelor of Arts†
Sigourney I. Ester, Bachelor of Science Samuel T. Robichaux, Doctor of Pharmacy *
Jenna M. Etheridge, Bachelor of Science† Tkyra U. Robinson, Bachelor of Science
Jennifer N. Eubanks, Doctor of Pharmacy ‡ Jasmine Robinson, Master of Education
Katie-Noelle Faulkner, Bachelor of General Studies Sinai T. Robinson, Bachelor of Science
Lynsey B. Ferguson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Kirstie Robles, Bachelor of Arts
Douglas E. Ferrell, Master of Business Admin. Heather N. Rock, Bachelor of Science
Kelsey D. Ferrington, Bachelor of Science* Denise C. Rock, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Hayden L. Ferrington, Bachelor of Business Admin Isiah T. Rodgers, Bachelor of Science
Julien W. Ferrington, Bachelor of Business Admin† Cynnamon M. Rogers, Bachelor of Arts
Christian S. Fisher, Bachelor of Science‡ Chelsi Rogers, Master of Science
Elijah Fisher, Bachelor of Science Diana M. Romano, Bachelor of Arts
Ashley Fletcher, Master of Education John R. Roppolo, Bachelor of Science
Madelyn G. Fletcher, Bachelor of Science* Tara Rushing, Master of Business Admin.
Denise Flores, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Angela C. Rushworth, Master of Education
Ashlyn B. Floyd, Bachelor of Science† Ethan T. Ryals, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Samantha D. Floyd, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Amya M. Sadler, Bachelor of Science
Cooper C. Floyd, Bachelor of Arts‡ Nina E. Sagona, Bachelor of General Studies*
Morgan M. Folse, Master of Science Sarah M. Sampognaro, Bachelor of Science
Sydney B. Fontenot, Doctor of Pharmacy † Kalei A. Sampson, Bachelor of Business Admin
Baylee R. Fontenot, Bachelor of Arts* Trinity B. Samuel, Bachelor of Science†
Sheryl A. Ford, Master of Arts Amanda R. Samuel, Bachelor of Arts
Carole D. Fordham, Bachelor of Arts Jordan E. Sanders, Bachelor of Science
Benjamin M. Foret, Bachelor of Science* Thomas E. Sanderson, Bachelor of Business Admin
Hannah Forsythe, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Lauren G. Sandino, Bachelor of Arts*
Tina M. Fortmayer, Master of Education Stephanie Sandwell, Doctor of Education
James D. Foshee, Master of Education Anna E. Santangelo, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Samantha S. Fotsch, Master of Education Cindy H. Santiago, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Chantz Foy, Master of Public Admin Bethani A. Saterfiel, Master of Science in Nursing
Shylon P. Francis, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Ethan P. Saucier, Doctor of Pharmacy *
Richard A. Frazier, Bachelor of Arts Olivia R. Schellekens, Bachelor of Science
Avery E. Free, Bachelor of Science* Ryan M. Schipper, Master of Business Admin.
Anna-Marie Freeland, Doctor of Pharmacy † Mikkel K. Schmitt, Bachelor of Business Admin*
SIMONE Q. FREEMAN, Bachelor of Science Sara A. Schneller, Bachelor of Science
Kathleen E. French, Master in Occupational Therapy Barbara L. Schuiteman, Master of Arts
Charles D. Frith, Bachelor of Business Admin Nathan P. Schwartz, Master of Science
Madisyn Fuentes, Master in Occupational Therapy William Scott, Bachelor of Business Admin
Savion M. Gallion, Bachelor of General Studies Kireston Sears, Bachelor of Arts
Diona S. Garcia, Bachelor of Science† Parker G. Seay, Bachelor of General Studies*
Lauren B. Garner, Bachelor of Arts Melissa A. Segreti, Bachelor of General Studies*
Faith C. Gaude, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Isabella R. Sellers, Bachelor of Arts
Luke D. George, Bachelor of Science Bailey T. Sellers, Doctor of Pharmacy *
Dylan T. German, Bachelor of Science Kathleen Sellitti, Doctor of Education
Jude Giardina, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Ashley R. Sepulvado, Master of Science in Nursing
Mandy Gibson, Master of Science in Nursing Prajita Shah, Master of Business Admin.
Kassidy A. Giddens, Master of Science Zachary A. Shaw, Bachelor of Science*
Caden E. Gillespie, Bachelor of Science Victoria A. Sheppard, Master of Education
Hannah R. Givens, Master of Science in Nursing Zaria M. Shorter, Master of Science
Sunne P. Glasgow, Master of Science in Nursing Niraj Shrestha, Bachelor of Science
Delondria Goins, Master of Education Joshua D. Shrum, Bachelor of Arts
Kelli E. Golmon, Bachelor of Science Kathryn Shuff, Master of Arts
Gage E. Gonzalez, Doctor of Pharmacy ‡ Cameron M. Sicuro, Bachelor of Science
Jenna F. Gonzalez, Master of Arts Madeline L. Sierra, Bachelor of Science
Sherry J. Grace, Doctor of Education Shelby B. Simmons, Bachelor of Business Admin
Anna Graham, Bachelor of Arts Jennifer G. Simms, Bachelor of Science
Devin R. Grantham, Master of Science Clayton A. Simonton, Bachelor of Business Admin
Shiann Graves, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Kerry D. Simpson, Bachelor of Music
Hailey R. Graves, Bachelor of Arts Meah L. Sims, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Mallory N. Graves, Master of Arts Hanna L. Singh, Bachelor of Business Admin
Nyla G. Gray, Bachelor of Science Claire L. Singley, Bachelor of Arts†
Andrea L. Gray, Bachelor of Science‡ Angela Sinnasone, Bachelor of Science†
Amiyah S. Gray, Bachelor of Science Kennedy L. Sisung, Bachelor of Science
Taylor S. Gray, Bachelor of Science* Carrie C. Slade, Master in Occupational Therapy
Donald C. Green, Master of Arts Laura E. Slater, Master of Education
Lesley N. Green, Doctor of Education Caitlin A. Slavich, Bachelor of Arts*
Jakevia J. Green, Bachelor of General Studies Rebekah Slocum, Bachelor of Arts
Hailey A. Greene, Bachelor of Science Jacey A. Smith, Bachelor of Science
Kassidy L. Greer, Bachelor of Fine Arts Ainsley E. Smith, Bachelor of Arts
LaDasha Gregory, Master in Occupational Therapy Kali A. Smith, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Alayna M. Gregory, Bachelor of Science* Addison G. Smith, Bachelor of Science
Ty L. Gregory, Master of Science Kathryn L. Smith, Bachelor of General Studies
Caroline B. Grieme, Bachelor of Business Admin* Emily R. Smith, Master of Science
Lyndsey Griffin, Master of Education Abigail A. Smith, Bachelor of Arts*
Kayla L. Gros, Master of Science Jordan R. Smith, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Natalie B. Grubbs, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Landon M. Smith, Doctor of Pharmacy *
Paula S. Guba, Master of Business Admin. Kerrigan B. Smith, Master of Science
Lillian D. Guidry, Bachelor of Arts‡ Anthony B. Smithey, Bachelor of Arts
Paul G. Guidry, Doctor of Pharmacy † Isabelle G. Smithey, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Paul G. Guidry, Master of Business Admin. Katherine S. Smithey, Master of Education
Cassidy T. Guidry, Bachelor of Science* Janelle Snellings, Master of Public Admin
Taylor Guillory, Master of Science Reagan D. Soignier, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Michael T. Guinn, Bachelor of Science Caitlin P. Somsy, Bachelor of Science
Kelly C. Gulka, Bachelor of Science Alden C. Sonnier, Bachelor of Science‡
Brooke M. Habetz, Doctor of Pharmacy ‡ Seth J. Sonnier, Bachelor of Science
Kirsten K. Hackleman, Bachelor of Science Erin Spann, Master in Occupational Therapy
Christian Hahn, Master of Education Anna L. Spence, Bachelor of Science*
Haley B. Hairston, Bachelor of Science MiRandi R. Spencer, Master of Science in Nursing
Andrew R. Hale, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Mallory E. Spradling, Bachelor of Music
Mackenzie L. Hall, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Jordyn O. Stagg, Master of Science
Dena Hall, Bachelor of Arts Braxton D. Stalsby, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Hayes D. Hamilton, Bachelor of General Studies* Elaine M. Standley, Master of Science in Nursing
Holden R. Hamilton, Bachelor of General Studies* Kassidy R. Stanford, Master of Science
LeAnn E. Hammons, Bachelor of Arts† Aaron A. Stanley, Bachelor of Science*
Daityn S. Hancock, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ebony D. Steele, Master of Education
Joshua L. Handy, Bachelor of Arts* Brenda B. Stephenson, Master of Science
Tamara D. Hardman, Master of Arts Desiree B. Stoffer, Bachelor of Arts
Megan W. Hardy, Master of Education Janet Stopka, Bachelor of Business Admin*
Ethan J. Harkins, Bachelor of Music‡ Korbin G. Stowe, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Halie R. Harper, Doctor of Pharmacy * Dikeriun O. Straughter, Bachelor of Business Admin
Geneva L. Harrell, Bachelor of Arts Lauren Y. Strawbridge, Master of Science in Nursing
Koycelyn K. Harrell, Bachelor of Science Collin Strickland, Master of Business Admin.
Tiona A. Harris, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Collin Strickland, Doctor of Pharmacy ‡
Harlee L. Harris, Bachelor of Arts Sara B. Stringer, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Jamon Harris, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Shialoh J. Stubleski, Bachelor of Arts
Alaina A. Harrison, Master of Science Shakonna L. Sudds, Bachelor of Science
Elizabeth Hartman, Bachelor of Science Megan M. Sweitzer, Bachelor of Science
Abigail R. Hawthorne, Bachelor of Arts† ShiAnne Swift, Master of Arts
Olivia Haynes, Bachelor of Science Nathan Q. Switalski, Bachelor of Arts
Randy W. Head, Bachelor of Science‡ Angel Szeto, Master of Arts
Haley B. Hearron, Bachelor of Science* Elena V. Takova, Master of Science
Brandon J. Hebert, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Sarah M. Talmage, Bachelor of Music†
Evan N. Hebert, Doctor of Pharmacy * Thomas C. Taylor, Bachelor of Business Admin
Evan N. Hebert, Master of Business Admin. Carley M. Teekell, Bachelor of Business Admin
Jill Heinze, Master of Arts Kayla Theus, Bachelor of Arts
Alfred J. Henderson, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ashley O. Thomas, Bachelor of Science
Bryant Heng, Bachelor of Science Abigail Thomas, Master of Arts
Alyssa P. Hennigan, Bachelor of Arts Taylor J. Thompson, Bachelor of Science
Lauren A. Henry, Bachelor of Science† Aaliyah D. Thompson, Bachelor of Arts*
Shaquandera S. Hicks, Bachelor of Science Olivia M. Thornton, Bachelor of Science†
Kate M. Hicks, Bachelor of Science* Kyla M. Thrash, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Alexis D. Hicks, Master of Science Taylor N. Threats, Bachelor of Arts
Nikole High, Bachelor of Science Hannah N. Threeton, Bachelor of Science*
Brandi D. Hignite, Master in Occupational Therapy Abbey H. Tiffee, Bachelor of Arts*
Hailey M. Hilbun, Bachelor of Science Anna S. Titus, Master of Science in Nursing
Briana N. Hines, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Mason E. Tolar, Master of Arts in Teaching
Whitney N. Hoff, Master of Science in Nursing Kallie G. Toney, Bachelor of Arts
Joseph M. Holaway, Bachelor of Arts Hailey N. Torres, Bachelor of Arts‡
Stephanie S. Holland, Bachelor of Science Gilberto Torres, Bachelor of Science
Cassidy G. Holland, Bachelor of Science Nicolas Torres, Bachelor of Science
Audrey E. Holland, Master of Science Kaitlyn S. Townley, Bachelor of Science*
Jessica Hollier, Master of Education Christian J. Trahan, Doctor of Pharmacy †
Charles E. Hollis, Bachelor of Fine Arts Theresa H. Tran, Bachelor of Fine Arts†
Caleb A. Holloway, Doctor of Pharmacy ‡ Emma G. Treadwell, Bachelor of Science in Nursing*
Emily E. Holloway, Bachelor of Science‡ Kady L. Trichell, Master of Science
John D. Holmes, Bachelor of Science Zachary J. Trumpower, Bachelor of Arts
Susannah C. Holt, Master of Science in Nursing London M. Tuberoso, Bachelor of Science‡
Jordan P. Horne, Master of Education Kalee R. Tucker, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Zachary J. Horton, Master of Science Darshon J. Turk, Bachelor of Science
Eva S. Hosking, Master of Arts Christopher Turner, Master of Science
Megan C. Hotard, Bachelor of Science Cinthya Turner, Master of Science
Moriah D. Houston, Master of Science Kayla B. Ulmer, Bachelor of Science
Kaitlin S. Houston, Bachelor of Science† Christian Valvano, Master of Arts
Alyssa A. Howard, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sade' A. Vance, Bachelor of Arts
David Howard, Bachelor of Science* Holton L. Vance, Bachelor of Science*
Hannah E. Hudnall, Bachelor of Science Logan D. Veach, Bachelor of General Studies
Savannah E. Hudson, Bachelor of Business Admin† Carmin V. Velasquez, Master of Public Admin
MyKelli Hudson-Brew, Bachelor of Science Isaiah J. Velez, Bachelor of General Studies
Sierra M. Huff, Bachelor of Science* Rebecca A. Vickery, Master of Science in Nursing
Payton B. Hukill, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Jaylen R. Wade, Bachelor of Business Admin
Gianni D. Hulett, Bachelor of Science* Sydney E. Waldron, Bachelor of Science‡
Janice M. Hullaby, Bachelor of Business Admin John M. Waldrop, Bachelor of Business Admin
Michaela Humble, Bachelor of Science Conli Walker, Bachelor of Arts
Adrianna Humes, Bachelor of Science Naomi Walker, Master of Education
Chelsea M. Hummel, Bachelor of General Studies* Javin R. Walker, Master of Education
Catherine D. Hunt, Bachelor of Science‡ Leah E. Waller, Bachelor of Science‡
Sarah Hunt, Master of Science Anne Marie Walters, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Ashlynn L. Hunt-Robinson, Bachelor of Business Admin Ashleigh E. Ward, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Adin Q. Huntington, Bachelor of Science Bobby Ward, Master of Arts
Emily A. Hutchison, Doctor of Pharmacy ‡ Trevion D. Ware, Bachelor of General Studies
Mary K. Huval, Doctor of Pharmacy † Jarvecia Warren, Bachelor of Arts
Nicolas H. Irby, Bachelor of Science* Macie M. Warren, Bachelor of Science
Tonyaneka M. Jackson, Doctor of Education LaShina Warren, Master of Public Admin
Jamal Jackson, Bachelor of Science LaDarion Washington, Master of Science
Meghan C. Jackson, Bachelor of Science Shakita L. Washington, Bachelor of Business Admin
Travion Jackson, Bachelor of Arts Nataeshja Washington, Bachelor of Arts
Lakeshmi Jackson, Bachelor of Science Brianna C. Washington, Bachelor of Arts
Damascus D. Jacobs, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Gracie M. Watts, Bachelor of Arts
Breanna L. Jacobs, Bachelor of Arts Shawn-Dalton R. Weatherbee, Bachelor of Science
Matthew J. Jambois, Bachelor of Science Heather D. Weeks, Master of Education
Alysa K. James, Bachelor of Science Andrew D. Wells, Bachelor of Science*
Keanna K. James, Bachelor of Arts Malorie P. West, Bachelor of Arts
Keona T. James, Bachelor of Arts Bridget N. West, Bachelor of Arts
Keenan W. Jenkins, Bachelor of Science Amber Wheelock, Bachelor of Science*
Lawrencia Q. Jenkins, Doctor of Philosophy Gerienne N. White, Doctor of PharmacyÌý
Sarah Jennings, Bachelor of Arts Skyler M. White, Bachelor of Science*
Jocelyn F. Johnson, Bachelor of Business Admin Connor R. White, Bachelor of Business Admin
Shelby T. Johnson, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Tiffany M. Whitfield, Master of Education
Ja'Kasia K. Johnson, Bachelor of Science Taylor M. Whitfield, Bachelor of Science*
Evan L. Johnson, Bachelor of Business Admin Bethany M. Whiting, Bachelor of Arts
Nicole M. Johnson, Doctor of Pharmacy * Hailey Whitley, Bachelor of Arts
Thomas R. Johnson, Bachelor of Science Cheyenne S. Wicks, Bachelor of General Studies
Angela B. Johnson, Master of Education Josie R. Wiggins, Master of Science
Kedie K. Johnson, Master of Arts Michele Wijayakacitra, Master of Business Admin.
Cole T. Johnston, Bachelor of Science* Ryan Wilcox, Doctor of Education
Lena F. Jones, Bachelor of Arts† Peyton A. Wilder, Master of Business Admin.
Lainy R. Jones, Bachelor of Arts* Jordie D. Wilhite, Bachelor of Science
Candance S. Jones, Master of Public Admin Carson C. Wilkie, Bachelor of Science
Cicelee D. Jones, Bachelor of Arts Hannah A. Williams, Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Malori C. Jones, Bachelor of Arts Shanice M. Williams, Doctor of Education
Lara Jopling, Master of Education KenDarrius D. Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Trenika T. Joseph, Bachelor of Arts* Jessica R. Williams, Bachelor of Science
Yazmeen K. Joseph, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Ginger A. Williams, Master of Science in Nursing
Sarah K. Keaton, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Margaret A. Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Mandi Keigley, Master of Education Riley C. Williams, Bachelor of Business Admin
Michelle M. Kelley, Doctor of Philosophy Lyndie Williams, Master of Science in Nursing
Caroline E. Kelly, Bachelor of Business Admin* Ramond Williams, Bachelor of Arts
Caroline E. Kelly, Bachelor of Business Admin* Matthew M. Williams, Bachelor of General Studies
Sarah Kelly, Bachelor of Science† Johnnie Williams, Bachelor of Science
Daniel A. Kennedy, Master of Business Admin. Starla M. Willis, Master of Science
Lauren K. Kennedy, Master of Arts Carl E. Willis, Doctor of Pharmacy *
Taylor K. Kennedy, Bachelor of Science Pantara L. Wilson, Bachelor of General Studies
Hamid Khan, Master of Business Admin. Emily F. Wilson, Bachelor of Science
Sarah M. Kijanski, Bachelor of Science* Sheyanna A. Wilson, Bachelor of Business Admin
Joanna M. King, Bachelor of Science Reagan N. Wilson, Bachelor of Science*
Tyler B. Kirk, Bachelor of Science Montarious A. Wilson, Master of Science
Macy M. Kizzia, Bachelor of Science Meredith Wilson, Master of Science
Rebecca C. Kleinpeter, Master of Business Admin. Antoinetta Winston, Bachelor of Arts
Mary Kathryn Kliebert, Bachelor of Business Admin Alyssa Winters, Bachelor of Science
McKenzie M. Knight, Bachelor of Business Admin* Keonda M. Woods, Bachelor of Science*
Mahendra Koirala, Bachelor of Science Kensley A. Wrobel, Bachelor of Science‡
Gerda Ingrid Konst, Bachelor of Arts* Kei Margot Therese G. Yabut, Bachelor of Science*
Styliani Konstantinidou, Bachelor of Science Sunny W. Yeats, Master of Education
Morgan G. Kotaska, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Madison A. Yelverton, Master of Science
Aline V. Krobert, Master of Arts Samantha L. Young, Doctor of Education
Orachat Kumbungton, Bachelor of Science‡ Madison B. Young, Bachelor of Science
Amanda L. Laborde, Doctor of PharmacyÌý Ke'Amber K. Young, Bachelor of Science
Grace L. Lacour, Master of Arts Alexa Youngblood, Master of Arts
Samira Lacy, Master of Science in Nursing Camryn S. Zeigler, Bachelor of Arts†
Jobie Lagrange, Bachelor of Science Suet Ching M. Zheng, Bachelor of Science*
Eric J. Lair, Bachelor of Arts† Kristi Zimmerman, Master of Science
Jacob R. Lambright, Bachelor of Science Jayson G. Zmejkoski, Bachelor of Science*
Seaonna R. Landreneaux, Bachelor of Science Tanner C. Zordan, Bachelor of Business Admin
Amber O. Landrum, Bachelor of Business Admin Ìý